Primary 6

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Wednesday 20/5/20 – P3 Lessons with Ms Olsson and Ms Menzies



PE with Joe


Number of the Day and Cursive Writing

Cursive Writing- ictgames



Brain break            

Drum Fun with Steve


Milk and story time

CBBC Newsround

Storyline Online



Human Body

Your lungs are used for breathing – watch the clip below.

Your lungs are used for breathing

How to make a lung model






Measurement – Reading scales – watch the clip below.

BBC Bitesize – Using different scales




Can you think of other ways that scales are used?

Find scales in you house if you can and have a try at reading the numbers on them.

Remember – Scales are like number lines.


Try this game to help you.

Reading Scales



Literacy – Adjectives

We have already done a lot of work on adjectives, using them to describe things more creatively in our writing.

Try your best to write the sentences below in your jotters using the correct endings for the adjectives.

Comparing adjectives

Comparing adjectives quiz




Find Your Brave!

This is a task I did with the children in the Health and Wellbeing Committee for ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ in February. I thought it would be good for you to do as it is Mental Health Awareness Week. Why don’t you give it a try?
