Primary 6

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Friday Holiday – VE Day

I hope you have a lovely Friday off Primary 3.

The reason for Friday being a holiday is because it is the celebration of the end of the 2nd World War.

VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) was celebrated on the 8th May 1945. It was a huge celebration to end six years of war.

During the war, code breakers worked out clues to secret messages so that they could know what their enemies were doing.

Have a go cracking these codes 💪📠AD59AADF-1A66-4578-B2A7-6E0482F7C3400AD4581D-D865-45EB-8EFA-CEAD8481AD9BA9F5EADC-8C01-4F92-A53A-63B26C883D23CE982C9E-3550-4186-AD1A-D0FE0C91A4F16041BE62-83EB-4B20-8ED1-94663ECB1770


Sumdog Challenges!

On Sumdog we have 4 challenges to complete, they are available until Tuesday 12th May at 8pm.
1. Spelling  Challenge

2. Grammar Quiz with 20 questions

3. P3 Maths Challenge

4. Grammar Challenge for today’s task with 10 questions.

Give them all a go if you can and stretch those amazing brains! 🧠
